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RF Vein Ablation

RF (radiofrequency) vein Ablation is a minimally invasive vascular vein treatment procedure that uses radiofrequency energy (electricity) to heat, collapse and seal off the targeted blood vessels. After using ultrasound to map the course of the vein to be treated, the physician guides a catheter (thin tube) through a small incision into the diseased vein. Electricity is delivered to a heating element in pulses, heating and contracting the collagen within the walls of the vein until they shrink and shut down. This process is called ablation. The vein is treated in segments as the catheter is gradually inched back down towards the incision. When the entire vein has been ablated, the blood flow is automatically rerouted through healthier adjacent veins, restoring healthy circulation and reducing swelling. The ablated vein becomes scar tissue and is absorbed by the body.



The VenaSealâ„¢ closure system is similar in procedural guidelines to the RF but it is non-thermal, non-tumescent and non-sclerocant procedure. VenaSealâ„¢ uses a proprietary medical adhesive that is delivered into the targeted vein to seal it. Using ultrasound to map the course of the vein to be treated, the physician guides a catheter (thin tube) through a small incision into the diseased vein. Applying the medical adhesive and pressure causing the contraction of the vein walls until they shrink and close.  The vein is treated in segments as the catheter is gradually inched back down towards the incision. When the entire vein has been closed, the blood flow is automatically rerouted through healthier adjacent veins, restoring healthy circulation and reducing swelling. The closed vein becomes scar tissue and is absorbed by the body.

Beauty Care


Sclerotherapy is a medical injection treatment used to eliminate small to medium size varicose veins and “spider” veins. “Spider” veins are superficial telangiectasias, tiny vessels that are red, blue or
purple in color. The majority of these veins present as a cosmetic problem. The number of treatments needed varies from patient to patient depending on the type, size and quantity of veins to be treated. Varicose veins and “spider” veins may require multiple injection sessions.




Phlebectomy is a medical treatment used to remove larger varicose veins. The pain is usually minor and little scarring is anticipated. A relatively short recovery following the treatment can be expected. The vein or veins being treated are generally removed in one treatment. Additional treatments may be required and can vary per individual.

©Wissam Fayad M.D. PC
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